75. Merging Thought Work and Spirituality

I am breaking from my usual broad discussions to share a more personal journey with you. I'll be delving into the profound impact that the integration of Thought Work and spirituality has had on my life. Exploring the transformative power of aligning our thoughts with deeper dimensions, I draw inspiration from the incredible story of Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, a neuroanatomist who experienced a life-altering stroke and whose journey led her to a profound understanding of the connection between mind, body, and spirit.

As we navigate the interplay between our left and right hemispheres, I'll guide you through the process of quieting the chattering mind and accessing a higher, divine dimension within ourselves. Join me on this reflective exploration as we learn to trust, surrender, and become co-creators in our own lives. It's a journey that goes beyond spirituality; it's about authenticity, self-love, and being a blessing to the planet.

Show Highlights

  • the interconnected essence of human experience: mind, body, spirit

  • how Thought Work evolves into a profound exploration of spirituality

  • Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor's insight: stroke survivor's transformative spiritual awakening

  • embracing stillness for spiritual connection by silencing the left side of the brain

  • empowering life through alignment with the divine mind


Sheila’s Website
Email me: sheila@sheilatully.com


76. The Profound Lesson My Teenager Learned from Thought Work


74. Changing Your Perception of Reality