70. Family Dynamics

Join me this week as I delve into the complexities of family dynamics during the holiday season. Following the feedback I received around episode 64 in which I shared a coaching session about Thanksgiving anxieties, this episode explores another client's struggle with family dynamics.

The client, happily married but grappling with her brother-in-law's behavior, seeks guidance on how to navigate her opinions without causing harm. We unravel the layers of judgment and shame, emphasizing the importance of embracing one's humanity before attempting to change.

I hope that you will grab a seat and listen in as we explore the nuances of emotional maturity and the opportunity for growth within the messiness of family life. Discover how letting go of the "good vs. bad" paradigm can lead to a more fulfilling and compassionate holiday season, where everyone is allowed to be themselves.

Show Highlights

  • unpacking holiday pressures and navigating family dynamics to finding peace amid the festive chaos

  • encouraging listeners to explore their judgments and embrace their humanity

  • the significance of embracing imperfection and understanding the value of allowing oneself and others to be authentically human

  • the power of self-acceptance in fostering a more compassionate and joyous holiday experience


Sheila’s Website
Email me: sheila@sheilatully.com
Our Modern Emotional Lives, Episode 64 - “How to Believe Something New”


71. Tensions Rising


69. Cultivate Solitude